Just got over watching 'Naach' ... the movie is bogus .. another version of the age-old story 'Abhiman' (featuring Bacchan Sr. & Mother Bacchan)...and some semi-porn stuff added...
But what struck me here is the potrayal of the habit that most boyz/men have(may be even girlz/women have it .. but I aint sure) - a habbit to conceal your emotions...Whether its love or sorrow - men never speak .. and then I dont know why its always that we expect men/boyz to propose to the girl first!!
Leave alone expressing love.. even expressing sorrow is taboo .. and nowadays in the (so-called) civilised world even anger is not a permitted emotion to show (though in the old patriarchial societies anger was taken to be a symbol of manhood) .. so whenever you feel any emotion strongly - back out! Move out of public, escape in loneliness .. and sulk if you would.
All this usually further aggravates your BP (figuratively) and deepens your feelings .. and though one might feel I am