Have you ever imagined if you were merely a witness to this world, rather than being a participant - how would it feel? Would our daily lives - chores, events, celebrations, troubles, tribulations make really interesting events to watch? One would argue, Yes! After all, the movies are made up not completely fictional stuff - they are all inspired from our real lives. But then, why do movies interest us? Because they relate to us, they represent our dreams, our life, our land, our world. I repeat, if we were all mere spectators, non-participating - then would all this make any sense to us. It is unlikely that a Taxi driver would enjoy Wallstreet . Similarly, for ... say ... galactic observer from another galaxy - will the earth not be some chaotic nonsensical place where people are running for goals which do not matter or make sense? We are a miniscule disturbance on the galactic scale - whether in terms of space or time - in all 4 dimensions. Nothing would ever change in the universe i