On what can be termed as the most horrific onslaught of Indian Bureacracy on Blogosphere, the Indian goverment has asked certain blogs to be blocked. Initially reported by Indian bloggers in and outside India through their blogs, the case has now been confirmed by a news item on Rediff.
Some Blog reports:
Gaurav Sabnis
Neha Vishwanathan - comprehensive summary
Rediff News Item: http://in.rediff.com/news/2006/jul/20dot.htm
As per Rediff, the Department of Telecom had "asked to block just some sub-domains hosted by those services" while ISPs "unintentionally" blocked the complete domains - Blogspot, Typepad and Yahoo! Geocities and more. The government "has asked Internet Service Providers (ISPs) to explain why action should not be taken against them for unintentionally blocking some Web sites."
However, a spokesperson for the Internet Service Providers Association of India (ISPAI) said that ISPs had been asked to immediately comply with the government order, without a clarification on how it was to be carried out. Before reprimanding the ISPs, I think the government does owe an explanation for its own actions to the citizens of this country. Is transparency DEAD in this country????
Some Blog reports:
Gaurav Sabnis
Neha Vishwanathan - comprehensive summary
Rediff News Item: http://in.rediff.com/news/2006/jul/20dot.htm
As per Rediff, the Department of Telecom had "asked to block just some sub-domains hosted by those services" while ISPs "unintentionally" blocked the complete domains - Blogspot, Typepad and Yahoo! Geocities and more. The government "has asked Internet Service Providers (ISPs) to explain why action should not be taken against them for unintentionally blocking some Web sites."
However, a spokesperson for the Internet Service Providers Association of India (ISPAI) said that ISPs had been asked to immediately comply with the government order, without a clarification on how it was to be carried out. Before reprimanding the ISPs, I think the government does owe an explanation for its own actions to the citizens of this country. Is transparency DEAD in this country????
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