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Home Sweet Home

The photo below was taken from NITIE ... and the landscape of buildings that is visible across the water bodies is Hiranandani - and that is where I live now. Its been almost 3 weeks in the new house and we are slowly putting things into place. Firstly was getting the money around. With our first salaries yet to arrive - me, Sharad and Anish - found it really difficult to arrange for the 1 lakh deposit and 12300 rent. Of course, we had to ask for money from home but even then it wasn't easy. Soon we got the news that Somnath was looking was a accommodation and thus ended our search for a fourth partner. There were still many things to be put in place - we had no wardrobes, no almirahs, not even nails to hang out clothes on. So that was the first thing to get arranged; when that finished we had to get other procedures like the agreement, an affidavit and others. And by the time we finished all this, we were all tired of eating outside everyday; day after day. So started the hunt for
Indian Bloggers are sure rocking the net .... And here are two of them trying to organise, what they call, Blogeratti. Visit their blogs to know more about this .... Saba: Anubha: So fellows ... enjoy the contest ... may the best one win ....

Blogging from Office !!!!!!!

I am blogging from Office .... and I hope I don't end up like this . And for all those folks who share the same fate as me (blog from Office) - here is a useful link: How Not to Get Fired Because of Your Blog Wellssss I can't possibly use the same excuse of being busy for not posting regularly. I do have some time but the real problem is NET! I get time when at home etc but easily accessible net is what I am missing. So efforts have started - contacted the local Broadband Service provider as well as Sify . Should have net at home by next Monday. And then I would get time to post interesting things rather than this 'Dear Diary' kind of stuff. Blogging sure is fun and as this article says - "...there are only three motivations for keeping one [a blog] : information sharing, reputation building, and personal expression. And though any one of these may be the primary reason for a blog, no one maintains a blog for any length of time without eventually doing all three.&

Mast Hai Yeh Life !

Whoaaaa !!!! I am back! After a long time … and for the first time after leaving the NITIE campus. Reason for this lull period ? a. Lack of 24 hrs net L b. Work pressure that puts me to the bed right after dinner Anyway – the title of the post is picked up from an old post of mine [ ] and represents the ‘busyness’ that I have been having these days. Life is quite full with a Quality Process Review in Office, my current project’s conclusion meeting and our home shifting all landing up together. And I was on my all time high excitement when I got the news that Sunil Bhaiyaa is landing up in Mumbai with ‘Evam Indrajit’! Going to watch the show today. More is on cards with an official visit to Hyderabad on Friday which I have planned to extend over the weekend (obviously)! Already making plans to meet all Campionites, NITIEans and BITans in Hyd. For the regular visitors of this blog I plan to post so

Because I choose to !

Agent Smith: Why, Mr. Anderson? Why? Why do you do it? Why? Why get up? Why keep fighting? Do you believe you're fighting for something? Something more than your survival? Can you tell me what it is? Do you even know? Is it freedom or truth? Perhaps peace? Could it be for love? Illusions, Mr. Anderson. Temporary constructs of a feeble human intellect trying desperately to justify an existence without meaning or purpose. And all as artificial as the Matrix itself, although, only a human mind could invent something as insipid as love. You must be able to see it Mr. Anderson. You must know it by now. You can't win. There's no point in fighting. Why, Mr. Anderson? Why? Why do you persist? Neo: Because I choose to. The Matrix and its power to relate to and thus help in solving philosophical and spiritual issues never stops surprizing me. Those who have read 'The Foutainhead' by Ayn Rand, will remember Howark Roark's statement - "the worst second-hander of all-


Today I suddenly developed fever in the Office and so had to return in the afternoon by Taxi. It costed me a good 200 bucks from Lower Parel to Powai. Back in NITIE, I found IM12 (the new batch at NITIE) junta loitering around. I have been observing the IM12 students since the last two days, only to realize that I too was just the same 2 years ago. And today as I lay half-awake (as one does when he /she has fever) I reflected upon the way my Life and more importantly Lifestyle has changed in the past two years. Gradually, but profoundly I have changed into a more cosmopolitan individual. Not because of seeing many cities or being in Mumbai but primarily because of the net. I have interacted with people from different walks of life through the net and they have left a lasting imprint on the way I think. In the morning, on the breakfast table an IM12er instantly recognized me - no he was not my old friend, neither was he a distant relative - he was a frequent visitor of my blog!! To my o

Consciousness, Humans and Robots

Check out this link before reading further: Isn’t it amazing to know that just 2000 years ago humans were like machines – responding to stimulus just because of chain of the reactions that were triggered in their bio-chemical-electronic systems!! In fact, we still do most of our activities by the same bio-chemical-electronic impulse – it is what we call ‘reflex’. Imagine driving a car – when you slow down, you immediately shift to a lower gear – do you think, analyse or consciously lower the gear? I bet no! (unless you are still a learner). It happens automatically – a habit is nothing but a consciously analysed action getting coded in the bio-chemical-electronic control mechanism of your body. Humans are complex creatures, but based on the theory of evolution one can definitely say that the brain is essentially a heuristic engine. It learns by experience (why else would the industry want ‘experienced’ personnel?) – it forms ru

Shanghai Dreams and Civic Sense

The Saki Vihar Road and Saki Naka include my regular road to the current client . . . And probably the best places to see the MUIP ( Mumbai Urban Infrastructure Project ) project in full swing. This project started by the Deshmukh government aims to create an infrastructure akin to Shanghai in Mumbai. I was most enthused when I had first heard of this project but now that the project is halfway and heading towards Phase I completion, it has turned out to be a mere mirage! Why weren't the roads repaired? Hell! No. They very much were. Oh! So the new roads also lack quality. No - they are fantastic - all cement roads able of lasting a 50 years if not 100. Then?? In spite of the roads being widened and rebuilt the traffic situation has not improved a bit. In some areas it has worsened. Reason?? Lack of Civic sense. All along the Saki-Vihar road you will find vehicles parked. Almost 50% of the width i.e. 1 lane is eaten up by stationary vehicles parked all along. In places where the ve

Gutentag !!!

Well that's Good Morning translated to in German :) But this post is titled as : Guten'tag' = Gutenberg + Tag MaDaN a fellow student of NITIE, tagged my blog with the Book Tag- MEME . The chain came thus (I tired to trackback it) Thomas Luongo -> Knappster -> Ken -> Kevin Carson -> BradSpangler -> Yazad -> Nanopolitan -> SilentEloquence -> Pramod -> Madan -> Me!!! Guess the significance of 'tag' is clear - but what about Gutenberg?? Well this Tag is about Books - a concept that could never have become a mass audience subject but for printing technology. Gutenberg was the inventor of the printing press and hence the father of knowledge management - the Gutenberg Press and Gutenberg Bible are the most celebrated terms in history of Books. A perfect obituary to Gutenberg is the Project Gutenberg which aims to digitize, archive, and distribute cultural literature works. Enough about the title - lets get on with the post!!. Tot

Tuka Mhane

I boarded the local train to home from Currey Road as usual - but as soon as the local left the station some hustle-bustle started in my coach. On one end of the coach, a group of people gathered into a circle and slowly I could hear someone singing. A few more voices joined in soon and slowly a drum (A special kind of drum called Dholak in India) started - and them came a rejoinder of manjeere , a musical accessory. This is also called Taayl in Marathi ---> <--- Within a few seconds the group gained tempo and started singing in unision - I could hear the word 'Tuka' and 'Vitthal' in their songs and I realised that these people were singing Abhang !! Click the image below to know about Abhang India by and large is a religious country - we have a illustrious history and a great culture. Religious movemements have always been the seeds of social gathering in India (the trend remains so even today when Ramdev Baba conducts Yoga sessions for 1000 people at a ti