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Friendship ??

um... the exam wasn't bad ..'twas good rather .. but am not feeling beat up ... again something happened ... its about a friend and I am feeling bad about it ... hey don't worry .. am not going to bore anyone with "how bad I feel?" type post .... Sometimes I wonder what friendship means... we might call all our acquaintances friends, we actually do - all classmates, all past and previous batchmates - everyone is a friend. But think, how many of these would really fall under the category of friends? Before that what is exactly a friend? Someone who will give his everything for you? C'mon that I believe is pretty subjective! It all depends on what you ask for. At times you may ask for trivial things and your friend might not be able to fulfill your expectation. And sometimes even strangers might give their life for you - it happens isn't it? Then how would you characterize a friend? There has to be another definition. So let me try - one who shares his/her

Is the World sitting on an Economic Time-Bomb?

Well . . . World baad mein . . . I am sitting on a CGPA Time-Bomb. My exams start tomorrow; and am terribly short of reading . . so this post over I don' t hope to make any posts for the next 5 days (unless exams are that frustrating ki post maarna pade) :P OK now turning to the world . . as a part of Global Economics I learnt that a. International Trade is good for all countries and the world as a whole b. Any trade barrier may sound good for producers in an economy in the short run but is detrimental to the consumers always, and also harmful for growth of industry in the long run c. All countries need foreign capital for their progress and a trade deficit helps in increasing Current Account deficit of nations which in turn helps in faster rate of economic growth (now that's a bit tricky, won't dare to elaborate) d. The US dollar has become the world currency because US has a very very high trade deficit. US actually has been living off debt from other nations. The pu

I am human

He he ... I have been spending time visiting other blogs .. was kinda restless but wasn't able to concentrate on studies .. was wondering ki 'saala chakkar kya hai' - why aren't exams scaring hell outta me ... and why do small things (eh! thats a secret - something happened today that I didn't like) disturb me like this?? And suddenly like a message of god I read a line on a blog that I was visiting - "You are Human!" .. and really it was a relief! it helps sometimes to reaffirm your existence and your erroneous behaviour by simply accepting that you are human ... making this post to just document this reaffirmation :) "I am Human!!" Thank God I was reminded :)) I am a very typical example of what humas are called - 'social animals'. I usually dont enjoy things alone, always get everyone else involved - alone I only brood, dream and wonder; and then get everyone else into things. . . and so I feel bad when others don't inclu

Mushkil Bada ye pyaar hai!!

I have been discussing ‘love’ with one of my friends for the past many days! Amazed? Well actually I am not the kinda person to even think of Love, but this other chap is . . and I enjoy discussing the subject with him. Probably my only experience of love is my love towards my family and my friends . . never loved a girl (even if I did, I am not sure of it). Anyway, the issue in this post isn’t whether I loved or he loved or anyone loved, its about the definition of love. Is love a one-sided feeling? Or does it have to be mutual? And even if it is mutual, does it have to be tied in the nuptial relationship? And does love require compatibility? If there seems to be a mismatch, should the relationship end? Reversing, if there seems to be a mismatch, should the relationship start at all (opposites attract!)? We debated on all these questions . . . I don’t think we still have any answers, but some things came out. Love may or may not be a one sided affair, but it is unconditional. Love h

Confusion about life . . .

This is a strange thing about life that I have been discovering since long . . . when you r young, your goals, what you want to be, what you will do etc seems very straight very clear. But as you grow up, the path becomes more and more misty. Today as I stand just 3 days from the last examination of my student life all set to launch myself into the world, I am thoroughly worried about how I will achieve the goals that I had set for myself when I was a child. Not that this feeling has dawned suddenly – it has come very very slowly, the mist spread gradually through my engineering days till here, and by now I can’t see even 2 months down the line about where the road to life is leading. I slept off thinking about all this and more and thought about why this happens when asleep. When you are young, you are made to learn logic. We learn all daily routine by logic – if X happens then do Y, or if A happens then B will follow. Something like if you got up from sleep, then go brush your teet

Jo jeeta wahi sikandar !!
IM10 Wins the Annual NITIE Cricket tournament

What prospect of winning the cricket tournament does a team, which had won just 1 out of 16 matches for the past 16 months, hold? Nil, I would have said just 8 hours ago . . . but today has been a lesson in my life . . . Grit, Determination and Passion always work, irrespective of what historical data suggests! The IM10 cricket team had been a losing team all through our NITIE life, so much so that ‘Did we win?’ had become more of a rhetorical question after every match. No-one . . . which includes me . . . believed that IM10 could win even a single match, leave alone wining the tournament. The junior teams of IM11 and IE34 had come up to be much better than ours which anyway hadn’t won last year itself. Then one day I heard something about George – our dear friend from ISEM3 being involved, I didn’t know where? I had thought they were talking on him to be an umpire or something. But soon I was to discover that he was taken in the team as a wicketkeeper . . dunno if that made any dif

Gandhi ..... the man who remade himself

Yesterday night (or rather early morning) we kicked off the El Dorado Film Festival with the screening of the classic 'Gandhi'. (btw El Dorado is the name of our hostel wing) I must be watching the movie the 3rd time but the last time I saw it was about 10 years ago, so yesterday's screening definitely gave me newer insights on the life and times of Gandhi. Also I have half read Gandhi's Autobiography - "My experiments with truth" about 2 months back and have just completed reading the life of 'New India's Mahatma' - dear APJ Abdul Kalam. All this combined gave me better understanding of lots of principles of leadership. (It isn't a coincidence that we watched the movie as an assignment from our Prof in the subject - Business Leadership) I had been an antagonist of Gandhian ideas of non-violence in my teens. But as I grew older I realised that principled differences apart, none could overlook the fact that Gandhi was probably the only man who

Mast hai yeh life!
The missing Link (Part II)!

Came Diwali and I rushed off to Pune .. . Mom had been in Pune for 2 days and Abhishek and Baba (that’s what I call my Dad) joined us a day after I went. Pune was again enjoyable, a break from my campus life... I spent time reading books (completed ‘Da Vinci Code’) and sleeping ;). And in the evenings it was mostly time to visit relatives – we have so many in Pune that it takes all your time. Just a few days were left when Abhishek told me that his holidays were till 22nd and he had almost a week to spend at home in Bhopal after he returned from Pune. I suggested why not he comes along with me to Mumbai rather than spending time alone at Home. Fortunately mom-dad also concurred and I went to hunt for proper reservations which we got. That was it!! The stage set for fun and masti !! Abhi and I came back to NITIE on 15th night. I had contemplated that I would be busy with classes so Abhi might get bored. . . but it seems God had arranged for Abhi serendipitous visit . . . my classes kep

The missing link!

In my “Life mein twist hai!” series I described about my last weekend and before that about my home trip during Dussera. Then while I was going thru my blog I thot that I’ve missed the period in between and it isn’t that this hasn’t been exiting. Well the day I came back from home I implemented a log-given-promise to Milind. To remove my moustaches .. . I should say I looked good, and may be a few years younger too. But, when I told mom about this she told me to get back 2 my old looks (without seeing me) . . . and more so since many companies were expected in campus I also decided to re-grow my moustache. However during those 7 days I was feeling quite like a celebrity . . almost everyone asking me why I did it? And no-one seemed to believe that I did it just because I wanted to .. . these folks need to watch Forrest Gump! That weekend we (me, Shubham, Milind and Ashita) went to Shirdi. Ashita’s friend Vatika also joined us. The trip was fun and it felt great when Vatika st

Naach! Emotions 'a-part'

Just got over watching 'Naach' ... the movie is bogus .. another version of the age-old story 'Abhiman' (featuring Bacchan Sr. & Mother Bacchan)...and some semi-porn stuff added... But what struck me here is the potrayal of the habit that most boyz/men have(may be even girlz/women have it .. but I aint sure) - a habbit to conceal your emotions...Whether its love or sorrow - men never speak .. and then I dont know why its always that we expect men/boyz to propose to the girl first!! Leave alone expressing love.. even expressing sorrow is taboo .. and nowadays in the (so-called) civilised world even anger is not a permitted emotion to show (though in the old patriarchial societies anger was taken to be a symbol of manhood) .. so whenever you feel any emotion strongly - back out! Move out of public, escape in loneliness .. and sulk if you would. All this usually further aggravates your BP (figuratively) and deepens your feelings .. and though one might feel I am